As part of the ‘Web content maintenance and evaluation’ unit within the Certificate in Web Content Creation & Management(CWCCM) programme I am undertaking, I have been asked to ‘create a plan for evaluating the success of the Internet website on which I will be working.’ (i.e. this blog)
So without further ado, here is my plan:
My first measure of success will be whether I am personally gaining anything from the blogging experience. I have always maintained that my blog is first and foremost for me. A place to capture my reflections, shape my vision and generally ‘let off steam‘. If others gain something from reading my blog, then I am obviously really pleased, but is is not the primary focus of my blog.I find blogging to be something of a drain on that precious resource ‘time’. Perhaps this is because I am chose to undertake the CWCCM programme at the same time as a Rapid eLearning Development programme AND prepare for a session at Learning Technologies 2011 AND prepare for my first Pecha Kucha at the February eLearning Network event. So my second measure of success will be whether I am still ‘blogging’ in 6 months time. It is 11 months since my first blog post, so I am hoping that in itself suggests that blogging will be a permanent part of my CPD going forward, but who knows…..?Finally I would consider my blog a success if I were able to achieve the goal that I set myself in a previous piece of CWCCM homework which was to increase the average daily views of my blog from 10 to 15 per day by August 2011. Since that previous blog post my current average per day is standing at 21, so all I have to do is maintain that effort and I will have not only met, but exceeded that target!!!!!!!!!Do you blog? If so, how do you measure the success of your blogging? Have I been too prescriptive or are my targets not SMART enough?
Why don’t you let me know in the comments box below?
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