For some time now, I have been reflecting upon my use of Twitter.
Over recent months I have found my Twitter stream to contain little, if anything of true value to me personally. It’s either been stuff that I ‘get‘, stuff that I’m not interested in or RTs of other peoples stuff (again, that I already ‘get’ or that I’m not interested in). I’ve also noticed that the way I have been accessing Twitter has most definetly fallen into the ‘from a mobile device’ category – even when I’m sat in front of a PC! (I guess that as I am ‘mobile’ myself a lot nowadays, this has helped to form the habit)
the fact that I access Twitter a LOT from my mobile devicesmy perception that I haven’t been getting a lot from it recentlythat I’ve had a G+ account from Day 1, but have never really ‘dug into it’I decided to uninstall Twitter from my mobile devices and use that same habit and time to concentrate on Google +.
Uninstalling Twitter from my mobile devices. Focusing on G+ from now on. Tatty-bye\ABS\Auto Blog Samurai\data\Ravinder Tulsiani Unleash the EDGE\openthoughts\TweetLandPhoto_normal.jpg)
What I hadn’t counted on was the response from some members of my network in response to this. Some people genuinely asked “why“, others jokingly said I’d ‘be back‘, one accused me of Social Media snobbery and others sent quite ……. ‘colourful‘ DMs; which depending on what mood I’m in over the coming weeks I might just embed in a follow-up blog post….. (that’ll teach ya!)
Now it’s not that some people responded in the way they did that I am puzzled by (only last week I sent a tweet that some people considered a personal attack, so I’m not overly guarded myself as to how I use Twitter) it’s more the issue that my decision to uninstall Twitter from my mobile devices (I never said that I was stepping away from Twitter, or closing my account, just that I was uninstalling it from my mobile devices to focus on G+) should have generated such a feeling on animosity from certain tweeps.
Anyway for those of you who do feel that my decision to concentrate on G+ has in some way had a deep impact upon your lives I just want to be absolutely clear that
I am still using Twitter but for the time being only from my PCI still have several auto-posts set up from various sources to TwitterI may well return to tweeting from my mobile devices once I have had time to concentrate on G+but it will be a decision that I will make, in my own time and for my own reasons.
Now why not get yourself across to G+ and have a play…
Image source.
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