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Recent PostsRead the minutes from the March 2014 meeting of NFPA's Standards CouncilIn the new NFPA Journal: "First Word" examines the balance between fire safety and environmental concernStandards Council issues Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs) to 9 NFPA documentsRead the March issue of Fire Break - NFPA's wildland fire newsletterNFPA Journal discusses the safety threat in lengthening code-development cyclesIn the new NFPA Journal: Comparing sprinklered vs. nonsprinklered fires in industrial occupancies Today in fire history: a nursing home fire kills three and injures 18 othersNFPA Develops Fire Pump Training Videos at SPP Pumps in Norcross, GANFPA releases two new fire safety music videos for kidsToday in fire history: a fire of incendiary origin kills 20 in hotel fireNFCSS All Access
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04/18/2013Evolution of learning at NFPAAs an undergrad student at Bridgewater State College in 1986, our professors were still using the blackboard as a teaching tool. You took notes as best as you could and hoped you would have enough information to review before mid-terms so you could acheive a good grade. Fast forward to 2002 and as an "aged" graduate student at Suffolk University in Boston, I was amazed at how learning had evolved. Class lessons were now online along with a syllabus and other collateral materials. If you missed a class you could download the presentation and review it before the next class.
In 2005, I was in awe sitting at home on my PC taking an online marketing class to finish up my MBA. My children were very young at the time and I will never forget joking with them that I had to go to school and then moving from the kitchen to the den. "Daddy, I thought you were going to school? I would smile and say I am at school." The curious looks on their faces were priceless. That particular online class was pretty basic compared to the online courses offered in the market today. It was essentially a Powerpoint presentation with an online chat as the interaction device.
At NFPA, I feel somewhat ancient thinking back to the blackboard learning of the mid 80's but at the same time I am thrilled to be a part of the evolution in education. NFPA recently launched a new online learning system where you can take self-guided courses whenever and wherever you want. The classes integrate expert content that is presented with a voice-over along with video clips and interactive learning tools. The courses are organized into modules by NFPA code and are simple to use.
We put together a video tour of our new self-guided system along with commentary by our subject matter experts. Have a look and let us know what you think.

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