Monday, March 31, 2014

Scheduling a meeting is a doddle, I mean a Doodle..

…whatever it’s called it’s quick, simple and cheap to do!

Scheduling a meeting with work colleagues is usually very easy to do as (in my experience) everybody is ‘connected’ via an email management client such as Outlook which allows you to organise meetings around peoples availability as you can usually see their calendar which (you hope) they’ve kept up to date.

The problem lies when you are trying to arrange a meeting with people outside of your organisation who do not exist in your calendar system, again in my experience this usually involves time exhausting multiple phone calls and/or emails around the relevant parties in order to arrange a mutually convenient time.

Well no more!

I discovered Doodle several months ago and had the opportunity to use it ‘in anger’ for the first time during the planning stage of my first panel podcast.

Doodle allows you to publish potential dates and times onto the internet, publicise that information to your meeting attendees, who are then requested to select the option(s) that best suits them. A cut off date can be applied to the Doodle which means that you can be getting on with the more important things in life, whilst your meeting attendees are only taking 30 seconds out of theirs to select their preferred times.

Throughout the process you can drop back in at any time to see which option(s) are shaping up as the faves. Once the window of voting has closed, Doodle will even tot up which option is the most preferred.

Here’s a quick overview of how easy it is to set up.

So over to you..

Are you currently using this tool yourself, if so what have your experiences been?

If this is the first time you have heard about it, can you see any occasions when you might find it useful?

Why not share your thoughts with everybody via the comments section of this blog post…

View the original article here

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