Don’t try and include the same number of people in an online session as you would in face to face (f2f) session. Keep the numbers low and
Cindy swapped the layout of the session screen a few times. This was useful to see the flexibility of Adobe Connect, however it took a few moments to get used to the changing layout. I’m not saying that I would never change the layout during the session, but I would be very mindful as to the knock-on effect on the learner.
Presented by Julie Wedgwood
12.30 – 13.30 GMT (UK time)
Julie Wedgwood has been facilitating live online sessions for many years and is a favourite webinar presenter on the LPI Webinar Programme over the years. She is also one of the most highly rated commentators and conference presenters on the subject of interactivity in sessions – both face to face and in the online environment. Her more recent session on the availability and use of digital learning tools for use in live online sessions.
Join Julie Wedgwood to explore simple yet innovative ways to enhance online session engagement and keep your delegates active.
IN this highly interactive session, explore and experiment with Julie as she shares:
Julie’s “Tell me that’s You” approach to delegate pollsMosher’s GridGraffiti feedbackTools to aid learner concentrationWebcam anticsAdd-ons and other freebie tools
My key content take-away
Adobe Connect provides a large (and growing) number of extensions to further enhance the ‘out of the box’ functionality.
My key facilitation take-away
Julie used her webcam throughout the session with no discernible loss of quality. In the past the webinars I’ve facilitated for various 3rd parties have all insisted that I do not use the webcam. When I’m in a position to facilitate sessions within my own Org I’ll be making sure that I maximise the webcam where it adds value.
Presented by James McLuckie
14.00 – 15.00 GMT (UK time)
Have you ever been at work and needed immediate help with a specific task or activity? Dr Jane Bozarth (author of Social Media for Trainers) calls it the “Hey Joe!” moment. “Hey Joe, can you help me to process this order.” “Hey Joe, how do I overcome this customer’s objection?”
Chances are most of your learning needs fall into this category. So why, then, is it often so difficult to find decent support to help us with the activities that are key to us being successful in our jobs? Many organisations are still locked in a cycle of providing push-down formal learning interventions, rather than making point-of-need learning materials available to help staff at the exact moment it is called for.
As learning and development professionals, we can anticipate the needs of staff and design performance aids that give staff the support they want, when they need it. Why send someone on a two-day workshop when a helpful template, reflective questionnaire, video tutorial or short how-to guide would be far more useful and effective?
James McLuckie, Learning Engagement Manager of Eden Tree, has been creating just-in-time support resources for the past ten years. In this webinar, he discusses what to consider when putting together performance aids that really help learners get to grips with a task, or how to overcome a problem.
My key facilitation take-away
There was in parts some lengthy ‘telling‘ going on. Whilst this probably didn’t come across to the facilitator, it certainly felt it to me. I’ll be mindful of this when prepping my future sessions.
Keep any tasks /questions simple. Some of the tasks seemed quite complicated and questions quite long.
My key content take-away
The chat panel indicated that there are still people out there chomping about learning styles! Quite sad that we are participating in what many would consider a modern approach to facilitation and there are still some ‘old school’ ideas floating around.
Presented by Roger Courville
15.30 – 16.30 GMT (UK time)
In a recent 1080 Group poll, presenters noted their top two challenges with presentations “too little time to put together presentations”, and “don’t know as much about design as I’d like”. The good news is that moving beyond “death by bullet point” doesn’t have to be hard or take over your life.
Join Roger Courville, of, for a practical 45 minutes of strategies and tips to accelerate your training presentations for better attention, cognition, and retention in your live, online training sessions.
Attend this live, interactive webinar to learn:
Evidence-based principles for designing presentations in a short-attention span cultureEssential elements of getting – and keeping – attentionHow to rapidly improve data-heavy slidesHow to turn bullet points into visuals
My key content take-away
Pick up this book
My key facilitation take-away
Once again, as in a previous session there was a lot of ‘being talked at’. There were also a number of questions that Roger asked that seemed to exist for no other reason to show us that he knew something that we didn’t?
Perhaps I’m just a bit thick, but I have no idea what the findings were of a report that I’ve never read on a subject that I’m not familiar with.
I’ll make sure that I bear this in mind when I’m asking questions in my online sessions.
Overall experience
Today was a great experience, I acquired some info in every single session, particularly in terms of varying facilitation methods. There were a number of people who attended every session so to a degree my concern over ‘overload’ may be mute… however, I’m not sure that the audience is typical of the majority of learners – after all, it’s our field!
I’m still doubtful that a days worth of online activities could work in the ‘real world’….
What do you think?
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